Politics As Usual

Political Spectrum

Posted in Uncategorized by tfheringer on October 26, 2010

What is a liar

Posted in Constitution, Freedom, Independents, Liberty by tfheringer on September 13, 2009

Rep. Wilson was absolutely correct in calling Obama a Liar, that is because he has lied to the American People. The Obamacare will add to those needing medical care nearly 50,000,000 people most of them illegal immigrants. He can deny this all he wants, but the net result of a medical plan such as he has in mind will burden the American taxpayer with paying for all of these new patients. The burden to you and me will be in diminished medical care, some of us will be denied life saving procedures. This is nothing less than socialized medicine and is the first of many steps that Obama has in mind to change the United States in to the United Socialist States of America. Mr. Obama is a communist as I have stated before that has not changed and is not about to change. His ultimate goal is to wipe out all opposition from those of us on this end of the spectrum. Then convert this country to something like China has, you can deny this, but the net result and end will be the same. I believe this is the end of our great American constitutional republic and the end of freedom as we have known it. By definition a liar is someone who has either deliberately or otherwise mis stated truth. Obama has misstated truth and he is therefore a liar.

Change of parties

Posted in Constitution, Democrats, Economics, Independents, Libertarians, Liberty by tfheringer on September 7, 2009

I have finally had enough of the Democrats and the Republicans. I changed my party affiliation to the Constitutional Party two weeks ago. Best thing I have done in years. The WH is so full of itself, that it can not see the idiocy in its policy making. The Republicans are powerless to do anything about it even if they could. The liberals seem to have a problem these days, if we criticise Obama we are being too critical. The press tares us apart for not being supportive. When a conservative in the traditional sense of the word is in the WH then the same press bends itself over backwards to criticize the WH. Be fare folks it has always been a tradition to have the  parties out of power to criticise the White House, but I guess that since Obama god is now president we have to worship him. Sorry folks I can not do that and for that mater won’t do it. We need to return to the republic that this nation was designed to be, based on limited government and constitutional principles. Start cutting the size of the government in Washington and things will get better. More, bigger and powerful government is not the answer, but the cause of the problems we are facing.

Socialism’s New Name

Posted in Constitution, Current Events, Freedom, Liberty by tfheringer on March 31, 2009

Socialism is now called Obamanism, the real truth is that he is a dictator and is introducing communism into these United States in the guise of  making things better. Resist globalism while it is still possible. Since when can Washington do things better, just check out what they have done over the years and weep.  Power always corrupts and absolute power always corrupts abs0lutly the “I can do” means nothing it is just a slogan that sounds cutesy. The real I can do means he can impose a communist state without those of us who would resist being allowed to say one word in our own defense and in defense thus of liberty. Our founders shed blood that we might have freedom, just to have Obama take it away, he is worse then King George.  Please Oh! God deliver us from this present evil.

There will be a new birth of freedom just as soon as some of the states in the union realize what is being done. Alaska, you can be first to leave the union. I will not fight,  but I will stand up and be counted for freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

Get Out or Stay

Posted in Current Events, Politics by tfheringer on March 17, 2009

Just so you have the right information for what I am about to say, when it comes to war I am a hawk. In the 60’s there were two sides to the arguments over Vietnam. There were the peaceniks  (doves) and then those who supported the war (hawks). The truth today is I would like to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but find it extremely hard to do so. First looking at it realistic we stand no chance of actually winning this conflict. Second if we are not able to stomach this then the only alternative is to go home. In a war there are always casualties and if you are unable to accept that and still want to stay then just shut up. Third, this war is not winnable, because it is hard to win a war against ideology if not impossible. Just take our losses and get out of there. Make a warning that any nation or ideology that seeks to harm us will be dealt with harshly.

It does not mater

Posted in Constitution, Democrats, Republicans by tfheringer on February 22, 2009

This election was very disappointing to me. We have elected an apparent socialist for president, probably the most liberal person in Congress and to be president ever. They are making an attempt to make the U.S. into a one party country, reminder this is what they had in Russia. The Republicans are not a whole lot better then the Democrats, seeing they are the other half of the culprits that got us into this mess. It is time to make a return to the founding principles of the republic as expressed in the Constitution. It seems nationally we have twisted this document to say what we want it to say just so we can make this nation into an internationalist global community. Communism is not just a socialist government it is an international conspiracy to defraud the people. The only wealth being spread around is going to be that of small business, this is an attempt to wipe out entrepreneurship. Those who are very wealthy or are very poor are going to be safe, but the cost of goods will go up dramatically. My friends I think the U.S. Of A is dying and we have just about given it the shot in the head as it were, by putting the worst possible person in the WH.

Gutting the Constitution

Posted in Constitution, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Republicans by tfheringer on November 28, 2008

The liberals have been gutting the Constitution now for better then a century and each time they have further taken away something unique to that great document. Who is responsible for allowing this to happen? We are responsible for allowing this to happen.

from the constitution of the united states
I have been voting in elections for President for forty years, I am now going to be 62 and it finally dawned on me that during that whole time we may have never elected a president in the manner that the founders intended, this is a comment from the site to follow: “The Separation of Powers devised by the framers of the Constitution was designed to do one primary thing: to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist. Based on their experience, the framers shied away from giving any branch of the new government too much power. The separation of powers provides a system of shared power known as Checks and Balances.” This feature is about to be circumvented by the Democrats with the vesting in the President more power then should be allowed.
What is disturbing here is the actual wording of the process to elect a president, by disturbing I mean that we have not actually done this in a long time: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.” The Executive Branch Did you also know that there was one clergyman who signed the Constitution? Was not this a violation of separation of church and state?

Give me a break!di

Posted in Uncategorized by tfheringer on November 16, 2008

So now homosexuals in California object to the will of the people as expressed by ballot? They are not being denied anything except to change the meaning of the word marriage. They can do as they please, but your rights end where mine begin. It is time for everybody to just say enough is enough do as you please, but your are not being discriminated against. I am decidedly a homo phobic and see nothing against being so and will be till the day I die. I am also sin a phobic and am more concerned by the long range effect that being open minded about sin will have on America.

Gay advocates protest marriage ban

Crowds gathered in cities to vent frustrations, renew calls for change
The Associated Press
updated 10:00 p.m. ET, Sat., Nov. 15, 2008

BOSTON – Gay rights supporters waving rainbow colors marched, chanted and danced in cities coast to coast Saturday to protest the vote that banned gay marriage in California and to urge supporters not to quit the fight for the right to wed.

Crowds gathered near public buildings in cities large and small, including Boston, San Francisco, Chicago and Fargo, to vent their frustrations, celebrate gay relationships and renew calls for change.

“Civil marriages are a civil right, and we’re going to keep fighting until we get the rights we deserve as American citizens,” said Karen Amico, one of several hundred protesters in Philadelphia, holding up a sign reading “Don’t Spread H8”.

“We are the American family, we live next door to you, we teach your children, we take care of your elderly,” said Heather Baker a special education teacher from Boston who addressed the crowd at Boston’s City Hall Plaza. “We need equal rights across the country.”

Connecticut, which began same-sex weddings this past week, and Massachusetts are the only two states that allow gay marriage. The other 48 states do not, and 30 of them have taken the extra step of approving constitutional amendments. A few states allow civil unions or domestic partnerships that grant some rights of marriage.

Plea for respect, restraint
Protests following the vote on Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, have sometimes been angry and even violent, and demonstrators have targeted faiths that supported the ban, including the Mormon church.

However, representatives of Join the Impact, which organized Saturday’s demonstrations, asked supporters to be respectful and refrain from attacking other groups during the rallies.

Seattle blogger Amy Balliett, who started the planning for the protests when she set up a Web page three days after the California vote, said persuasion is impossible without civility.

“If we can move anybody past anger and have a respectful conversation, then you can plant the seed of change,” she said.

Balliett said supporters in 300 cities in the U.S. and other countries were holding marches, and she estimated 1 million people would participate, based on responses at the Web sites her group set up.

“We need to show the world when one thing happens to one of us, it happens to all of us,” she said.

The protests were widely reported to be peaceful, and the mood in Boston was generally upbeat, with attendees dancing to the song “Respect.” Signs cast the fight for gay marriage as the new civil rights movement, including one that read “Gay is the new black.”

But anger over the ban and its backers was evident at the protests.

One sign in Chicago, where several thousand people gathered, read: “Catholic Fascists Stay Out of Politics.”

“I just found out that my state doesn’t really think I’m a person,” said Rose Aplustill, 21, a Boston University student from Los Osos, Calif., who was one of thousands at the Boston rally.

In San Francisco, demonstrators took shots at some religious groups that supported the ban, including a sign aimed at the Mormon church and its abandoned practice of polygamy that read: “You have three wives; I want one husband.”

Chris Norberg, who married his partner in June, also referred to the racial divisions that arose after exit polls found that majorities of blacks and Hispanics supported the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

“They voted against us,” Norberg said.

In Salt Lake City, where demonstrators gathered just blocks from the headquarters of the Mormon church, one sign pictured the city’s temple with a line adapted from former Republican vice president candidate Sarah Palin: “I can see discrimination from my house.”

More than 500 demonstrators in Washington marched from the U.S. Capitol through the city carrying signs and chanting “One, two, three, four, love is what we’re fighting for!”

A public plaza at the foot of New York’s Brooklyn Bridge was packed by a cheering crowd of thousands, including people who waved rainbow flags and wore pink buttons that said “I do.”

Protests were low-key in North Dakota, where people lined a bridge in Fargo carrying signs and flags.

Mike Bernard, who was in the crowd of hundreds at City Hall in Baltimore, said Proposition 8 could end up being a good thing for gay rights advocates.

“It was a swift kick in the rear end,” he said.

In Los Angeles, protesters gathered near City Hall before marching through downtown. Police said 10,000 to 12,000 people demonstrated.

Supporters of traditional marriage said the rallies may have generated publicity but ultimately made no difference.

“They had everything in the world going for them this year, and they couldn’t win,” said Frank Schubert, co-manager of the Yes on 8 campaign in California. “I don’t think they’re going to be any more successful in 2010 or 2012.”

In Chicago, Keith Smith, 42, a postal worker, and his partner, Terry Romo, 34, a Wal-Mart store manager, had photos of a commitment ceremony they held, though gay marriage is not legal in Illinois.

“We’re not going to wait for no law,” Smith said. “But time’s going to be on our side and it’s going to change.”

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© 2008 MSNBC.com

Amend the Constitution to No Lawyers

Posted in Democrats, Politics, Republicans by tfheringer on October 27, 2008

What is really wrong now with our government is we let lawyers become office holders. The problem is they are the most crooked single group of people in the nation. McCain is not a lawyer and neither is Palin, but both Obama and Biden are so they should be banned from being president because they are lawyers. Our history has been filled with crooked politicians (by the way a lot of them have come out of the Chicago political machine) and most of them have been lawyers. Obama has lied so many times I have lost track, but if they were not lies he should be able to provide real primary evidence to prove it. This he has yet to do. The most recent being over his birth certificate he is stonewalling it (just like Nixon by the way) if he really is a citizen of these United States he should be willing to present a certified birth certificate.

Oh! I get it now!

Posted in Democrats, Independents, Republicans by tfheringer on October 22, 2008

Oh! I get it now when the McCain camp makes a statement about Obama instead of actually answering the attack with evidence it is not true, just make an attack on McCain. It maters little to what the truth is just slam the other guy. If McCain had not made any kind of statement about Obama’s practices and suitability to be President, then Obama still would have made statements about McCain. Such as McCain is just another Bush, but fail to really prove it’s truthfulness. The statements over whether Obama is giving equal pay for equal work in his Senate office is easy to either disprove or prove, just show us the records? Using an attack back towards McCain proves to me that Obama is very prejudice against women. Please take the old man survey.